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Master Installer Error During OSS Upgrade Process

This article applies to the following products:

  • Messageware AttachView 2019, 2016, 2013
  • Messageware NavGuard 2019, 2016, 2013
  • Messageware TimeGuard 2019, 2016, 2013
  • Messageware PlusPack 2016, 2013


When performing an upgrade of a program from the Messageware OWA Server Suite family using the MasterINstaller.exe, an unexpected error may occur during the uninstall and/or install phase that can leave the software in an unsuitable state.


There are two solutions available:

  1. A server reboot can release a hung process and may place the server in a clean state where the Master installer may continue with the installation task
  2. A manual removal of the software will need to be performed. The software dependencies and registry entries will need to be removed/renamed on the affected Exchange server. This will allow the Master Installer program to re-install the affected software.

(Note: Upon completing the software installation, the World Wide Web Publishing Service restart is required)


Component Services

This section applies to Messageware AttachView's COM+ conversion engines.

  • Launch Component Services 
  • Navigate Computers -> My Computers -> COM+ Applications
  • Right-click on each of the AttachView conversion engines and select Delete


Messageware Folder Location

Move the appropriate Messageware folder of the application to a temp location.

  • \Program Files\Messageware\AttachView


Registry Editor

The following Registry Keys will be renamed or deleted as indicated.

  • Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Installer\Products    ⇒ Search for Messageware AttachView and rename/append the installation package with _OLD for later retrieval if needed.

(Note: The installation package key may differ between installations.)


Navigate to:

  • Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Messageware              ⇒ Delete the key AttachViewCAS


  • Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Messageware\Components    ⇒ Delete the key AttachView


Run MasterInstaller.exe

Verify there are no open applications that can potentially impede with the installation process such as Windows Event Viewer or Component Services.

  • Run the MasterInstall.exe with an elevated Administrator account  ⇒  The program should perform an installation of AttachView without interruptions 
  • Once this installation has been completed, close the Master Installer.

(Note: The World Wide Web Publishing Service MUST BE RESTARTED to load the Messageware software and its dependencies to memory.)