Home > Knowledge Base Articles > After applying updates, OWA displays “version compat error VCE001”

After applying updates, OWA displays “version compat error VCE001”

After applying updates, OWA displays “version compat error VCE001”

This article applies to the following products:

  • Messageware OWA Suite 2019
  • Messageware AttachView
  • Messageware NavGuard
  • Messageware TimeGuard


  • Messageware OWA Suite 2016
  • Messageware AttachView
  • Messageware NavGuard
  • Messageware Plus Pack
  • Messageware TimeGuard


  • Messageware OWA Suite 2013
  • Messageware AttachView
  • Messageware NavGuard
  • Messageware Plus Pack
  • Messageware TimeGuard



During opening OWA page, the following message is displayed:

OWA is temporarily unavailable. Please check back later.

Internal error: version compat error VCE001



Messageware has recognized that the Exchange version has changed, and there may be a compatibility issue.

Two common causes are:

  1. A recent CU update has been applied without a matching version of Messageware Software 
  2. A recent CU update has been installed without running the CU installer with proper elevated administrator permissions



  1. Check for an update from Messageware by accessing our support download page 
  2. Check release notes for the currently installed version
  3. If a Microsoft CU Update has been installed without running the installer with elevated admin rights, please uninstall the update and reinstall with the correct permissions