This article applies to the following products:
- Messageware EPG 2019
- Messageware EPG 2016
- Messageware EPG 2013
When launching the Messageware EPG Reports the error “failed to connect to reporting services at http://<server name>reportserver. The request failed with HTTP Status 401: Unauthorized” may appear.
There are 2 solutions to resolve this behavior.
First Solution
- Navigate to IIS on the server where EPG_Reports is installed. In IIS open the server > Default Web Site > EPG-Reports > Authentication
- Under authentication check, if ASP .NET is disabled. If it is enabled, please disable it and try to do a test login to EPG-Reports from your machine.
Second Solution
- On Your SQL Server, Navigate to Report Configuration Manager and open the Web Portal URL
In the Web Portal URL click > Messageware EPG > Reports-XXXXXX > Reports
Once In Reports click > Manage folder > Security
Add Group or User > Add the server’s name (The Server where EPG Reports is installed) with a dollar sign at the end and checkmark the browser role