This article applies to the following products:
- Messageware TimeGuard 2019, 2016, 2013
- Messageware NavGuard 2019, 2016, 2013
This issue may occur when there are different cumulative updates of NavGuard and TimeGuard in the same Active Directory environment. Depending on load balancing, some requests may be partially serviced by different product versions causing this error.
Option 1:- Upgrading:
- Upgrade TimeGuard, NavGuard on all servers to be at the same version
Option 2:- Manually synchronize the TimeGuard, NavGuard directories:
Step one: TimeGuard
- Logon to each server and verify that the subdirectories match. Browse to '\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\ecp\MWScripts\TimeGuard'
- Confirm that subdirectories of the 'TimeGuard' folder are the same on all servers
For example, if the 'TimeGuard' folder on the Exchange 2016 CU17 has a folder '' that does not exist on the Exchange 2016 CU11 server, copy that folder from the Exchange 2016 CU17 to the Exchange 2016 CU11, and vice versa.
Step one: NavGuard
- Logon to each server and verify that the subdirectories match. Browse to '\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\ecp\MWScripts\NavGuard'
- Confirm that subdirectories of the 'NavGuard' folder are the same on all servers
For example, if the 'NavGuard' folder on the Exchange 2016 CU17 has a folder '' that does not exist on the Exchange 2016 CU11 server, copy that folder from the Exchange 2016 CU17 to the Exchange 2016 CU11, and vice versa.
Step two:
- Check the CsmHash value in the Messageware\Setup key in the registry on all the servers.
- Open the registry editor
- Navigate to HKLM\Software\Messageware\Setup
- Confirm the CsmHash value is the same for all servers
Step Three:
- Logoff OWA and close all Browser windows
- Logon to OWA and verify correct operation