This article applies to the following products:
- Messageware ActiveSend
Messageware ActiveSend can be set up for automated deployment, making it easier for organizations to configure and deploy the software. This article outlines configuration needed to set up automated deployment for ActiveSend with on-prem mailboxes.
Configuring the ActiveSend Deployment
To configure ActiveSend deployment:
- Edit the activeSendDeployment.xml file configuration as needed
- Create .dep binary configuration file from the .xml using the ActiveSend_du.exe.
The ActiveSend deployment package can be downloaded from the following link:
The link contains:
- activeSendDeployment.xml file
- ActiveSend_du.exe
- ActiveSend Deployment documents
The ActiveSend installation file would be provided to you by a member of our sales team. Extract the file and save them to a known location
Deployment file configuration steps:
- Follow the steps below to configure automated deployment for ActiveSend:
- Note: All XML content is case sensitive
Step 1: Edit the .xml deployment file
Edit the activeSendDeployment.xml file with notepad. (In notepad select view > select Status bar, line numbers will now be visible)
- Line 16: <nickname> <value>
- Value by default is "My Mail". Nickname is a description to be used for the user to identify the mailbox.
- If OWA and EWS URLs are locked down, ActiveSend will require a value to be set in the Nickname field
- Line 17: <nickname> <editable>
- By setting the editable value to "false", the end-user will not be able to modify the nickname that is specified by the administrator
- Line 20: <autoPopulate>
- If the user's AD login (UPN) format is the same as OWA credentials, then account details can be auto-populated with ActiveSend.
- Examples:
- mycompanydomain\myname
- The value must be set to "true". ActiveSend will automatically use the logged-on user credentials to access the mailbox
- Line 26: <autoPopulateUserLogonFormat>
- Value must be set to "Upn" or "DownLevel"
- "Upn" format:
- "DownLevel" format: Domain\userName
- Line 29: <owaUrl> <ewsUrl>
- OWA and EWS URLs must be used when connecting to an on-prem Exchange Server
- Example:
- Example:
- Update these tags with your proper FQDN for OWA and EWS URLs
Step 2: Convert the .xml deployment file to .dep binary deployment file
- Run ActiveSend_du.exe with elevated permission (right-click > run as administrator)
- "Input deployment XML file" - enter the full path and filename to the activeSendDeployment.xml file
- "Output folder" - enter the full path to the directory to store the as.dep binary deployment file
- Click "Create deployment file"
Step 3: Silent install ActiveSend with the new as.dep file
- Open command with elevated permission (right-click command prompt > run as administrator)
- Change directory to the ActiveSend installer (Messageware_ActiveSend_<version number>.msi)
- Run the command: msiexec /i <msi installer name> /qn POLICY=c:\<filePath>\as.dep
- /i
- installs the product
- /qn
- no user interface is displayed (silent installation switch)
- /i
Step 4: Verify Install
- Navigate to the control panel and verify that ActiveSend is installed
- It will look like this
- You can now test ActiveSend functionality by doing any of the following:
- Upload file into a new email message by right-clicking on files in Windows Explorer or the desktop and selecting Send To → Mail Recipient.
- Send files from within an application, such as Microsoft Word or Excel, by clicking File → Share → Email