Home > How-to Guides > How to Configure the EPG Service Account to Send Email EPG Alerts

How to Configure the EPG Service Account to Send Email EPG Alerts

This article applies to the following products:

  • Messageware EPG 2019
  • Messageware EPG 2016
  • Messageware EPG 2013



This article outlines the steps required to assign a non-admin mailbox account to be assigned as the EPG services account responsible for sending the email EPG Alerts.


Verify the intended AD user account is assigned with an on-prem mailbox.

Connect with your browser to the EPG Admin page

  1. Navigate to Alerts and edit Alert Sender Account
  • Select Service Account, click Update to commit the change              

  1. Select Service Account Email Sender
  • Enter the sender's email address (the service account)



  • Example of a completed Service section:

  1. Click Save at the top of the page



RDP to the server where the Messageware EPG Monitor is installed

Registry Editor

  1.  Launch the Registry Editor
  2. Navigate to the following location
  3. Right-click on the Messageware key
    • Select permissions 
    • Click on Locations and select the organization's domain
    • Type the user account and click Check Names (This is the same name used in EPG Service Account on the EPG-Admin)
  4. Place check-mark on Full Control to the AD account 


File Explorer

  1.  Launch the File Explorer
  2. Navigate to
    • \Program Files
  3. Right-click on the Messageware folder and select properties
  4. Select the Security tab and click Edit button
    • Click on Add button 
    • Click on Locations and select the organization's domain
    • Type the user account and click Check Names (This is the same name used in EPG Service Account on the EPG-Admin)
  5. Place check-mark on Full Control under Allow column on the AD account 


IIS Permission

  1.  On the server where EPG Monitor is installed, open elevated command prompt
  2. Change directory to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
  3. Run the following commad
    • aspnet_regiis -pa "NetFrameworkConfigurationKey" "Domain\USER"


Windows Services Manager

  1.  Launch the Windows Services Manager 
  2. Locate Messageware EPG Monitor Service (if installed in non-Exchange server)
    • Messageware EPG Service (if installed in Exchange Server)
  3. Launch the Windows Services Manager
  4. Locate Messageware EPG Monitor Service (if installed in non-Exchange server)
  5. Right-click on the service and select the Log on tab
    • Click on This and Browse button
    • Click on Locations and select the organization's domain 
    • Type the user account and click Check Names (this is the same name used in EPG Service Account on the EPG-Admin)
    • Once verified, click OK
    • Restart the EPG Monitor/Service for changes to apply 


Verify Service Account Configuration

  1.  Launch the Event Viewer and select Applications
    • Search for Messageware EPG Service (latest update/refresh)
    • Verify entries successfully initialize as expected 
  2. To perform an EPG email alert test, return to the EPG Admin page and navigate to Alerts section 
    • Edit Send a Test Alert and click Update to commit the change 
    • Click Save at the top of the page 
  3. Restart the EPG Monitor/Service to queue up the email request to send the Test Alert Identifier to the email recipient that was entered in the Alerts page